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Alliance Sunny Rabbits

Главная » 2015 » Июль » 30 » Prodigal Son
Prodigal Son
Prodigal Son

http://projectgold.ru/go.php?sid=4 - http://images.craigslist.org/00t0t_jZlgyg2Y5Oc_600x450.jpg

Sunday, July 26
10 am
East County Shared Ministry
First Congregational Church of Antioch -- Community Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg
200 E. Leland Road (between Railroad & Harbor)
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Rev. Will McGarvey will lead the worship service about The Prodigal Son, and Michael Miller will lead the music as we share inspired scripture, warm fellowship and praise.
Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. We recognize, celebrate and give thanks for the many diverse gifts of God among us. Everyone is invited to participate in community and worship including, but not limited to, believers, seekers, agnostics, women and men, those of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions, those of all races and cultures, those of all classes and abilities, those who hope for a better world and those who have lost hope.
https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/eve/5132980852.html - More info...

http://goo.gl/ByJ5Qd - READ MORE:

http://projectgold.ru/go.php?sid=4 - http://i61.tinypic.com/awu5tu.gif
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